Choosing Green Pest Control Products

After my niece had a serious reaction to pest control, I realized that we were up against a few big problems. For starters, I knew that we needed to identify the types of pests that we were struggling with, and then we needed to find green products that would be safe for her to be around. It was a little bit of a challenge at first, but within a few weeks we found a company that offered the perfect line of products. I wanted to start a blog completely committed to pest control, so I started this site. Read more about keeping your family safe here.

Four Strategies To Beat A Rat Problem On Your Property


Rats can be found virtually anywhere, from rural country  farm homes to urban city centers. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to help prevent rats and rodents from overtaking your home and yard. Use the following tips as part of your rat prevention plan.

Clean Up After Pets

Cleaning up after your pets is essential when trying to keep rats away from your home. Rats are attracted to dog droppings, which means letting your dog do his business in your backyard without property disposing of the waste can make your property a welcome site for rodents. Pick up droppings immediately, and place them in a doggy waste bag. Tie the bag and place it in a covered trash bin. If you leave out a bowl of food and water for your pets outside, be sure to bring it back indoors when they are not in the yard, as the food can provide a small feast for rats.

Close Door Gaps

The small gaps between your home's front door and the ground can create an entry point for rats trying to come into your home, and the gap under your garage door can also provide rats with a way to get inside where it's warm. Use rubber seals or sweeps on the bottoms of all doors to reduce easy access to your home, and check the door frames for gaps or cracks that can also be used by rats. Remember to keep your garage door closed at all times, particularly if it is attached to your home.

Eliminate Hiding Places

Rats and other rodents may look for hiding places in your home they can use as nests. These hiding spots might include cardboard boxes stacked on the floor of your basement or messy corners of your garage. Consider taking the time to declutter your home, and add shelving units you can use to store boxes off of the floor. Switch out cardboard boxes for plastic storage containers with lids, which can make it harder for rats to get inside and set up homes in your house.

Sanitize Your Kitchen

Your kitchen can be an unending source of food for rats and other rodents, so you'll want to focus the bulk of your rat prevention efforts here. Sweep the floor after meal prep to remove crumbs and any food scraps that may have fallen on the ground. Invest in a trash can with a heavy lid, which can be more difficult for rats to climb inside of. Transfer dry goods, such as cereal, pasta, flour, and sugar, into tightly sealing metal or plastic containers. If you suspect you already have rats in your home, pull your refrigerator away from the wall and inspect for any signs that the animals have attempted to chew their way through the wiring or into the food storage compartment. Use sanitizing cloths and cleansers to wipe down counters, tables, and other surfaces where you prepare food every day.

If you see a rat in your home, or if you see signs that rats may be setting up nests in your home, yard, or garage, contact a pest control expert, such as from Blackburn Pest Control. He or she can help you trap and remove these animals so you can keep your house clean and free from pests.


21 December 2017